The Alien is no longer Alienated

The Alien turned 15 in December.  Of course, all she wanted was a Blackberry.  Every other need and want paled in comparison to her desire to have BBM (Blackberry Messenger)

I stuck to my guns of not getting her one – with difficulty though.  The nagging, tantrums, depression and blackmail would have had the most hardened Marine SEAL crying like a baby!

Her joy when she received a Blackberry from her Uncle and Aunt was a sight to behold though.

The look of love as she clapped eyes on her BB for the first time almost brings tears to ones eyes??

Then there is the “look Mom – I have a Blackberry.  How cool am I?” stage.  Pouting is of course compulsory.

This is followed by the far away stare of an Alien plotting all the possibilities opened up to her thanks to finally becoming a part of the BBM generation.

The Blackberry has been surgically attached to the end of her hand since she received it.  
Quick question: Is there medication I should be giving her or counselling sessions available to ensure that she is emotionally prepared to get through the first day of school without it tomorrow?

10 thoughts on “The Alien is no longer Alienated”

  1. Hahahaaa!!!

    You may need to take a pic of the blackberry and pop it in her pocket for those moments of longing tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Nice one Alma ๐Ÿ™‚ the BB has become the new prosthetic hand – my bro and sis clutch them like there is no tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚ enjoy Amy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Thanks Naz. I just wonder if teenagers are not losing the ability to actually TALK to other people unless via a BBM or an SMS???

  4. Maybe should have started her on a detox program a few days ago…let me know how it goes, because I am not too far behind with my kids!

  5. Mmmm, I should have thought of that earlier, Melanie. Oh well, you try it out and let me know if it helps. p.s. Happy Birthday!

  6. Oh dear – she has been added to the clan! I am sure she is delighted! Good luck with the late night BBM sessions!!

  7. Ahhh, spoken like a true friend who has listened to other Alien Moms mention the late night sessions, Les. I am on it. No cell phone allowed in the room after bedtime.

  8. Thank you =D Live and learn…still looking forward to hearing how it went! I am not kidding…I foresee a problem brewing in my future!

  9. Thankfully, all went well with The Alien yesterday. The day did commence with her attempting to take the BB with her to school…"all the other girls take their phones to school" Mmmm, good for them but sorry for you that you have a Mom who does not allow it.
    I am proud of her ability to go "cold turkey" Could be a useful trait later on in her life.

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