A Crack in the Alien Exoskeleton

The Alien is fast approaching 16.  I am ever hopeful that the day the Aliens return my sweet child to me is imminent.

The other day my hopes were rewarded.  She nonchalantly plonked down next to me and said:

You are right, Mom.  I do look better in photos when I am smiling.  I am so over pouting.

Once I recovered from nearly choking to death on my coffee, I asked her what made her change her mind.  I am not that naive as to believe it was due to my nagging at her to smile.  I am still perceived as a moron, I am afraid.

Every time I post a picture of myself as my BBM image, the boys comment on how nice I look when I smile.

The fact she has boys on her BBM service still freaks me out but I know it would be unrealistic for me to expect her to have eluded boys entirely in her almost 16 years of existence. Damn!  But I now owe them my gratitude for making the Alien see the light about how pretty her smile is.

The first sign of cracks forming in the Alien exoskeleton?  Boy, do I hope so.

Of course she took the photo herself. Besides BBM, what else are cellphones for but for taking photos of oneself?

2 thoughts on “A Crack in the Alien Exoskeleton”

  1. Thank you Lesmarie. Welcome to my new home by the way. Thank you for being the first person to comment here.

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